May 10, 2015

Y1-18: Weeks 31 & 32, revision, voting and vintage!

Hey y’all! We’ve reached (and passed) the 3000 visits! So thrilled!
Honestly, when it comes to the revision period the interestingness-level of my life just drops because I do just that, revise for my exams. Got 5 this time. FIVE! Way to go. I’ve figured out that I work better in the afternoon, so my routine now consists of sleeping in, taking a shower before lunch and studying and doing coursework (more like, procrastinating, rather than working) over the afternoon and evening. I just can’t wait for the exams to be over because this is not life. But I am a responsible grown-up adult so I am doing my duties.
Sooooo, on another topic, on Monday W31 I had my Italian oral test. I had to read a text out loud about shopping patterns in Italy and then answer some general questions about it. To be honest, having Enrico as the examiner meant that it felt more like a normal chat than an actual exam, for which I (and all my classmates) are grateful. I think I did alright. Later that day I met with the seminar group to rehearse our presentation which we did in front of four people, including the teacher. Our expectations weren’t too high, but four people, really? No pressure at all. I genuinely enjoyed that last seminar to be honest, we were able to have a small debate about “A Clockwork Orange” and also ask questions about the exam and the teacher was very helpful and willing to answer, which was great!
On Tuesday I went to visit the house I am living in next year with Joel because he hadn’t seen it yet and doubled by getting some shopping done in town. And on Wednesday night the crew went to the last SCORE of the year, for which I had managed to get tickets on Monday. It was really good. Amélie’s friend had come to visit so they both joined us at the club and I really had fun. The music was good, but then again, I apparently like weird music, which is more like rock and old hits. Sk8er Boi, Chelsea Dagger… Say no more. It was great fun.
On Thursday it was Vidushi’s birthday, so we celebrated the night before in SCORE, and later that day having lunch at Wessex House and that night at PoNaNa. I’d never been to PoNaNa, they play 90s music on Thursdays so I thought it would be good, but I didn’t like it as much as the music in SCORE the previous night… Anyway, we had fun, and Vidushi had a blast which is what is important on her 18th!
The rest of the week I spent basically in my room studying, cleaning and cooking (made blueberry pancakes for the first time and they were delicious!). I also procrastinated quite a bit, although the rain on Sunday helped me focus on the work. And I watched a couple of films including “Splash!” and “Zombieland”. Oh, nearly forgot. I dived into my hard disc looking for some pictures and ended up laughing so hard at the stuff I found in there. I’m so glad I’m always the one with a camera!
Monday of W32 was bank holiday so everything was closed basically. I ended up spending the day in my room: I did some exercise, watched “If I Stay” (the scene of the grandfather, omg, I cried like a baby! Beware, but here it is in case you are curious and procrastinated. Mind me, I say procrastinate a lot but although I do it, I also get my stuff done at the end of the day so I’m alright. W32 was my actual revision week (mine and everybody else’s), so every day has been pretty much the same: I get up, take a shower, organize the day, go get lunch, watch LOST while I have lunch and spend the afternoon and evening studying and watching FunForLouis during my study breaks (that guy is living the life! Other things I did during the week include sorting out my phone contract (interesting, I know), having a group study session about “Rosso Malpelo” with my coursemates, which actually turned out to be a lot more helpful that I expected and voting for the first time (my first time ever as a legal voter) at the Elections here in the UK, although I am only allowed to vote locally. It felt good to exercise my rights. I also had to deal with a headache a couple of times over the week and I did a Skype call with Jacqueline’s students at my former primary school to tell them what it’s like to live abroad (Katya has done that too). It was funny how keen they were with the screen and asking questions and it was great to speak with some of my old teachers! 
Finally, this morning I went with Amélie to the Vintage Kilo Sale at Bristol and it was great. I love vintage clothes and in England it is a lot easier to get them than back at home. The bus was really late but we got there on time (we met a friendly young woman at the bus station complaining about the buses and ended up chatting while we waited for it to arrive). Once we got to the Paintworks, there was already a long queue, going around the yard next to the building, but everything ran smoothly. The entrance was 3 pounds and we were given a bag – the rule was 15pounds/kg. The clothes were either hanging from rails or in big containers, and it was mayhem! Everybody was picking and grabbing and trying on the clothes. It was a really good idea to go early because like half an hour later the really cool stuff had gone. We picked up a lot of stuff but then went aside and tried the things on and selected what we really wanted. I ended up only getting three pieces of clothing, for 13.50pounds: some rad shorts/skirt and two shirts! I also got two scrunchies from the accessories stand (where they also had a lot of jewellery, but I steered away from it, and loads of glasses and sunglasses, but I contained myself too). I was buzzing! It was really cool and I am so glad we went! We also got free VitaCoco which was a plus (and we basically got the entrance money worth out of them!). We had lunch once we were back on campus and I have spent the afternoon doing the laundry, cleaning and all that jazz. I am genuinely tired so I am calling it off for the day. 
Tomorrow I have to get up with energy for the long week ahead! Exams ahoy! (I am so depressed).